Back to The Music 英文詩歌推介【All-consuming fire】— 願竭盡最後一口氣息事奉神


Back To The Music 2021718 Facebook 專頁已發佈的新歌【All-consuming fire】,唱者兼填詞人Aidan分享一個農夫被召的故事,農夫獨自勇闖森林,向食人族部落傳福音。這讓他想起自己的爸爸當日隻身回港開始了教會,面對眾多想將他置諸死地的敵人,仍不後退。


【All-Consuming Fire】

🎵Song Lyrics🎵

Will you hear a lowly farmer’s prayer?
There is nothing I have left to offer
They are savage, wild, and ruthless
I’ve heard the stories
For beyond these woods
A graveyard awaits me
卑微農夫的禱告 你可傾聽?
那些故事 我也曾聞聽

If today has been my final tomorrow
For as long as I have breath, I will follow
Be my fire by night and cloud by day
As I enter the fray
For Your will be done, whatever it takes
尚有氣息 我仍跟從到底
作我夜間火柱 日間雲柱
容祢旨意成就 我不惜一切

Oh Father I yearn for living water
And when times are tough, I will not falter
Cast aside all earthly matters
Destroy, my tethers
I await your all-consuming fire
啊 天父 我渴慕活水
艱難時刻 我不倒退

I do not deserve Your riches and honor
No amount of their persuasion
Can barter
I will pour my life and all I have
giving back what I owe
You condemn the proud exalting the low
任憑多少勸說 也決不讓步
所虧欠的 我願回報
祢讓驕傲的降卑 卑微的升高

In the midst of tribulations, unbothered
In the face of danger, you’ll hear my laughter
They may threaten me with sword and spear
Yet my heart knows no fear
When all hope is lost, I know You are near
患難中 毫無愁緒
險境前 將聽見我笑聲如雷
若希望破滅 深知祢於身旁伴隨

(Key raise Em)
In the midst of tribulations, unbothered
In the face of danger, you’ll hear my laughter
They may threaten me with sword and spear
Yet my heart knows no fear
When all hope is lost, I know You are near
患難中 毫無愁緒
險境前 將聽見我笑聲如雷
若希望破滅 深知祢於身旁伴隨

LP1: For Your will be done, whatever it takes
容祢旨意成就 我不惜一切

LP2: For Your will be done, whatever it takes
容祢旨意成就 我不惜一切

Aidan 的分享
【All-Consuming Fire】歌曲演繹






B3 & B4:


LP1 & LP2:

The song is based on a real-life, touching story. A farmer was called to become a missionary and evangelize the Waodani tribe in the Amazon, knowing the dangers he would face. In the end, he was speared to death by the indigenous tribe. What I find most touching is his perseverance for God’s Kingdom and standing true to the Gospel, even if it means putting his life on the line.The same thing happened to my dad.

It is a story of an American missionary who went his way into the deep unknown, risking his life, hoping to bring the Gospel to the tribe residing in the Amazon. Isn’t this story similar? When Dad decided to come back to Hong Kong to establish the Church of Zion, it took the same level of determination to reclaim this land of spiritual desert. Be it spiritual or materialistic needs, challenges await him at all fronts.

In materialistic terms, he has decided to give up all the inheritance from his father. He doesn’t want to rely on himself nor others, but solely rely on God, His Provider from above, even if it means living on a shoestring and can’t even afford a meal for two. Spiritually, he knows the drastic difference between Hong Kong and Canada -In Hong Kong, churches are highly competitive, there are so many betrayals between brethrens; believers do not have much faith, they even need to be persuaded by the pastors about tithing. Knowing what is ahead of him, Dad is determined to return and pour everything he has learnt to the brothers and sisters he loves and wants to protect.

Just like the Israelites, they relied on God in the wilderness. They followed the pillar of cloud by day and relied on the pillar of fire by night. Dad trusted God with all his heart, he’s determined to serve the Lord till the last breath he takes.

I get on my knees and pray, “dear God, please bear the burdens Dad has today, let him serve you with all his heart, protect him from worries that will wear him down. Let him just obey and follow you, wherever You lead him.”

Majority of the pastors serve the Lord for fame and money, but Dad knows the most important quality is just a pure heart. A heart that is willing to serve and to love, both the Lord and the people.

Despite all the tests that awaited Dad in this race of faith, Dad’s quality decision led him rising above it all. Even when his body is weak or walking down a road of challenges, he will never sway from the truth and persevere with an unwavering will.

B3 & B4:
When the “hydrogen peroxide incident” happened, it impacted everyone at the church. But first and foremost, the attack went straight to Dad as the head of the church who bears all of the responsibility and pressure . However, Dad had already made up his mind. His determination to follow God and serve Him would not waver by any challenges that come his way. These attacks would only make him stronger and bring clarity to his goal. He’s determined to grow into a great leader that can bless those around him.

When the world turns against him, with fabricated news by the media and groundless accusations by the peer church leaders, Dad did not give up nor give in. He continued to share what he knows is true and right. He knows what lies ahead is attacks, threats and a road of thorns, but he can’t act against his conscience just to protect the “reputation” of the Christian church. Same for the protagonist in the story, the missionary faced all the attacks and threats from the local tribes, with words and spears. But he did not back up but to charge on, even if it cost his life. Dad demonstrated the same quality against all evil as this missionary. When God told him, “Do this as I told you”, he would simply obey without any hesitation. He would pour his life and give his best to God based on what his heart calls him to.

LP1 & LP2
God, for Your will be done, whatever it takes!


我遭重重圍困——有狼,有野蠻人,也有曾稱兄道弟的人。孤身隻影,處身於噩夢的森林。雪花散落在頭上,猶如猛烈野火後,灰燼飛揚。我的靈魂被點燃;靈火令我屏息凝氣,從內而外,消耗煉淨。但,我仍會堅持到底——不 · 惜 · 一 · 切!

I am surrounded. By wolves. By savages. By those who once called me brother. Yet alone, I am in this forest of nightmares. Snow drifts down upon my head like ashes from a severe wildfire. My soul is set ablaze; the ethereal fire suffocates me, consuming me from the inside out. But still, I will persevere. Whatever. It. Takes.


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Riverflowing2012:Back to The Music 英文詩歌推介【All-consuming fire】— 願竭盡最後一口氣息事奉神