Back To The Music 於2021月8月15日 Facebook 專頁已發佈的新歌【Incision】,唱者兼填詞人Aidan藉這首歌描寫他的爸爸當日,與過去的恩師分裂時,承受著無比沉重的情感。相信這首歌能鼓勵大家,效法他的爸爸如英雄一樣,不論多艱難的決定,也要憑良心,選擇天國道。
Song Lyrics
Like a crimson wound cruelly opened
Every leaf a razor edge,
Severing our ties
The winding road before me
Incisions on my skin,
Am I to play the fool forever?
Our every single interaction
Deepening the indecision
30 years or somewhere down the line
Will I regret what I’ve chosen
Don’t look back
Like warriors of lore
Bury in your desire to shout
Leave before you let it out
Turn your back
It’s noble at the core
No matter the time, no matter the place
Seasons change, our bond remains
不分時候 不分地點
季節更替 羈絆依舊A2:
Crimson colors fading in the night
Looking every now and then,
the pain is here to stay
I was to you a stranger
Yet not a word was said
You sheltered me and clothed my back
蔭庇暖衣 給我護守B2:
Our every little conversation
Begs another explanation
Am I lying to myself, to you?
If you were here, what would you do?
對己對你 我在撒謊麼?
若你在這裏 會做甚麼?C2:
Don’t look back
Your story will be told
Who are you
Nobody will know
Only you can solve the riddle
你是誰 無人識透
Turn your back
Cause that’s what heroes do
Regardless of where you’re from
Where you’re born
You do what’s right
Though you’re all alone
莫問出處 莫問出生
Take your stand
The future will unfold
Not another can walk in your shoes
Fear of going down in ruins
Make your stand
So all the world will know
A thousand or more may fall at your side
But still, you stand, taller than before
但你仍站穩 更挺身昂首C4:
Take your stand
The future will unfold
Not another can walk in your shoes
Fear of going down in ruins
Make your stand
So all the world will know
A thousand or more may fall at your side
But still, you stand, taller than before
但你仍站穩 更挺身昂首LP:
A thousand or more may fall at your side
But still, you stand, taller than before
但你仍站穩 更挺身昂首
爸爸在信仰起始時,很快遭家人逼迫,要離開熟悉的香港,獨自飛往加拿大留學,當時,他遇到加拿大喜信會的牧師 Gideon。Gideon 是一個怎樣的人呢?他是一個很好、很友善的人,然而,這亦成了他信仰的致命弱點,在信仰上容易遷就和妥協。在爸爸與 Gideon 的信仰產生分歧前,爸爸一直很信賴 Gideon,甚至,爸爸躺在醫院病床時,異地裡,亦全賴 Gideon 照料他,為他帶來許多神蹟醫治的書。
在於爸爸,是一個非常重感情、念恩的人,他與 Gideon 當時的情誼,只能以我和爸爸現時的關係來對比。若果問我,假如現時要與爸爸分裂,獨自離巢遠飛,我會是怎樣的感受呢?我頓時就明白了,爸爸當時的感受,爸爸心裡再不捨,但為了持守信仰、分別為聖,為了許多仍跟隨他的弟兄姊妹,他只能決定離開母會。
開始時,爸爸決定與 Gideon 分裂,這已是一個深深的創傷,但當事情不斷惡化,Gideon 於聯合聚會中,不斷向人妥協真理,容許很多不道德的事情發生在台上。甚至,在「雙氧水事件」中,Gideon 既沒有了解整件事,也不相信爸爸的解釋,已決定與爸爸站對立面,令爸爸的創傷不斷被撕裂、擴大。來自母會與 Gideon 一次又一次的傷害,就如樹上飄下來的紅葉,不斷落在爸爸的身上、落在他的心裡,劃下一道又一道傷痕。
爸爸與 Gideon 之間,有過許多互動、受過他不少恩情,每一個快樂回憶,都令他更質疑自己的選擇是否正確。假如30年後,在一段絕不算短的時間裡,許多功過已有定論,那時,自己會否發現原來做錯了,後悔當天的決定呢?
爸爸卻選擇為了神,默默埋藏自己一切的無奈與傷感,努力振作自己,並全心全意跟從神。唯有在獨自一人的時候,才能將自己的情緒向神赤露敞開、盡情傾訴,將自己的重擔交給神。到了今時今日,當爸爸回顧自己與 Gideon 的關係,爸爸仍是開心和感激的,但是,因為爸爸仍要繼續跟從神,而 Gideon 卻背道而馳,所以,爸爸也只能忍痛割捨,絕對沒有任何事情,能夠高於他與神之間的關係。
傷口總會癒合,但結痂後的疤痕卻永久存留,每每回想,都勾起爸爸當時決定分裂的痛楚與無奈,這種情況,直至2015年,神開始毫無保留地印證爸爸的身份前,仍是一直持有。因為,當年爸爸於屬靈上仍很幼嫩,有很大的成長和學習空間,但 Gideon 沒有著眼爸爸的不足,反而十分樂意地幫助他,這份恩情,爸爸永遠都銘記於心。
每每爸爸回憶,自己與 Gideon 之間的無數相處片段,都令他更加困惑決定分裂是否正確,也會想像,若果今時今日有機會與 Gideon 再次相對,自己又能否再次解釋,與他和解呢?因爸爸實在很珍惜 Gideon。
我本身擁有一個很大的呼召,甚至,在我拍攝《Reality Check》前,我根本不知道自己的未來,有多大的呼召和使命,然而,我如何慢慢成長進入呢?我正是憑良心而行,按爸爸及屬靈長輩的提醒,以感言回應《栽在溪水旁》,珍惜每篇信息,建立一個寫感言回應的習慣,甚至建立自己的團隊,幫我學習中文,期盼未來,自己能以中文與別人分享和溝通。這過程,我是按著良心、盡自己的本份,善用我身邊的資源,幫助我完成一個又一個目標,發展出自己的事奉。
爸爸亦一樣,假如當時爸爸並沒有聽從良心的聲音︰「你要與 Gideon 分別,跟從神的帶領。」其實,他絕對無法走到今時今日,所以,一個真正的英雄故事,其實從來沒有一個方程式或模式讓你抄襲。爸爸卻教導我們,如果,我們看自己是英雄,我們自然就會時常憑良心作出檢討,作出一個又一個正確選擇。想像天上,有天使和見證人一直注視著我們,在他們眼中,也認同我們是配得神的祝福,配得成為真命天子的一份子。因此,爸爸作為他自己人生中,唯一的主角,為何他一定要離開、一定要經歷眾多痛楚呢?因為,每一個遭遇裡,都要考驗他能否作出正確選擇,如此,他才能一步步,在沒有藍本下,踏進自己的呼召。
This is a song about a hero’s story. The growth of a hero is always accompanied by countless sorrow and helplessness. As a protagonist, he must go through one sacrifice after another for the sake of righteousness. After making great and kind decisions, he will achieve a legend that moves everyone and makes them stand up to applause.
At the beginning of his faith, my father was soon forced to leave his hometown, Hong Kong, and fly to Canada to study overseas alone. At that time, he met Gideon, a pastor of the Glad Tidings Church. What kind of person was Gideon? He was an amiable man. However, this was also the fatal weakness of his faith. He accommodates bad guys and compromises easily in his faith. Before Dad and Gideon’s beliefs diverged, Dad had always believed in him. Even at the time when Dad was lying on the hospital bed , he relied on Gideon. Gideon took care of him and brought him many miracle healing books.
My Dad was a very affectionate and grateful man. The relationship between him and Gideon at that time was like the relationship I have with my father now. How would I feel if I were to split up with my Dad and fly away from the nest alone? I immediately understood how my father felt at that time. My father was not willing to go. But for the sake of keeping his faith and dedication to God, he could only leave his mother church.mThe split from his mother church caused deep hurt in my Dad. But things deteriorated even further. Gideon kept compromising the truth by allowing immoral behaviour to happen on stage at the joint Christian service.
Even in the “Hydrogen Peroxide Incident”, Gideon neither understood the big picture nor believed my Dad’s explanation. He decided to stand against my father. This hurt my Dad even more. Dad suffered from stabbing pain over and over again due to the mother church and Gideon. It was like the autumn leaves falling from the trees. The leaves’ sharp edges kept cutting my Dad’s body and heart, marking one wound after another.
At that time, Dad was facing a lot of uncertainty. He didn’t know what was ahead of him and whether he was right or not. At that moment, he didn’t know if it would be a foolish decision to split with the mother church? Would it make him a loser? Dad and I are very similar in character. I know that he would have thought a lot in such a situation and struggled in the deadlock of human relationships. Feeling so helpless and hopeless, he tossed and turned in bed and had trouble sleeping.
There are many memorable interactions between Dad and Gideon. Dad also received a lot of favours from Gideon. Every happy memory made Dad question whether he did make the right choice. We don’t need a long time to determine right from wrong. What if, 30 years later, he realized that he had made a mistake? What if he regretted it later?
Generally speaking, no matter what the circumstances are, we would never turn our back on a friend. In particular, when that friend is kind to you, and he needs your help. But this time, God asked Dad to put human righteousness over heavenly righteousness. It was achieved by giving up the friendship and kindness and splitting with Gideon. As a result, Dad had to bear alone the unforgiveness and reproach by others.
Thousands of brothers and sisters may have come by, but many of them eventually chose to forsake God and leave Dad. Yet, Dad will never compromise his faith because of anyone. All heroes, with no exception, would give up everything they cherished for the sake of righteousness. Even if it means the most difficult emotions in their hearts. He buried all his helplessness and sadness in silence. He tried to pull himself together and follow God wholeheartedly. A person can only completely open up his heart to God when being alone. It’s the time he can share his feelings and burdens with God.
Today, when Dad looks back on his relationship with Gideon, He is still happy and grateful. But since Dad wanted to continue to follow God, while on the contrary Gideon was going in the opposite direction, Dad eventually had to let go of the pain and move on. There is absolutely nothing more important than his relationship with God.
The wounds will always heal with time, but the scars will remain forever. Every time when Dad thought about it, pain and helplessness arose. The pain lingered until 2015 when God began to reveal Dad’s identity without reservation. In the past, Dad was still young spiritually and had a lot of room to grow and learn. But Gideon did not focus on Dad’s shortcomings. Instead, he was very willing to help him. Dad always remembered Gideon’s acts of kindness.
Every time Dad recalled the countless precious moments he spent with Gideon, he was more confused about whether the decision to split with him was right. He also imagined that if he had the chance to meet Gideon again today, would he be able to explain and reconcile with him again? Dad really did cherish Gideon.
As the son of a pastor, I understand the situation of the protagonists in the story from my heart. They can’t ask people around them, “Can you tell me who I am?” His role, identity, and destiny are so unique. He cannot simply rely on the people around him to give him answers. For Dad, there are no predecessors to refer to when it comes to being “The One”. Likewise, for me, there is no predecessor to refer to on how to be the leader of lion cubs (the younger generation of believers).
We cannot simply copy someone else’s answers in faith. When God confirms this is a church destined to be the bridal church, we need to work independently. We need to achieve an A++ grade with our faith and conscience, and let the world follow our model. God has given me a great calling. But before shooting the movie “Reality Check”, I didn’t even know how big my future calling and mission would be. And yet, how did I manage to grow into it?
I followed my heart. Dad and spiritual elders reminded me that cherishing each message and writing testimonials to respond to the sermons and teachings are important. So I make use of the resources on hand and set up a team to help me learn Chinese and develop the habit of writing. I hope that I will be able to share and communicate with others in Chinese in the future. In this process, I follow my conscience and do the best on my part. I make the best use of God’s resources to help me accomplish my goals and ministries.
Dad was the same. If Dad hadn’t listened to the voice of his conscience, he would never have made it this far. So, it is a true hero’s story. There is never a formula or a pattern that you can copy. But Dad taught us that if we saw ourselves as heroes, we would naturally review our conscience from time to time and make one right choice after another. Imagine that there are angels and witnesses in heaven who are always watching over us. In their eyes, they also acknowledge us to be worthy of God’s blessing and being “The One” for this generation.
Therefore, as the only protagonist in his own life, Dad is the only one who is worthy of God’s blessing. Why did he have to leave and go through so much pain? In every encounter, he was tested to see if he could make the right choice. Without a blueprint in hand, he finally stepped into his calling. A true hero never relies on the advice of others. Other than you and God, no one knows what you are choosing in your heart. And only God can guide you into this calling. Even if you are alone and no one is watching you, do you know that the Lord Jesus Christ is always there for you? He is watching you make every choice so that you stay righteous and live up to God’s standard.
That’s exactly what happened to my Dad. On Day 1, when he turned into a believer, every choice he made was absolutely right in God’s eyes. This is the characteristic of a man who deserves to be the main character and be a real leader.
Even when it comes to facing the “Hydrogen Peroxide Incident” and people’s doubts, Dad still stood before God. He kept his faith and dedication to God. Along the journey, he witnessed God’s endorsement of his spiritual growth and the Church of Zion he built. Dad would often ask, “Why did he find himself so different from the others when he returned to Hong Kong?” It was because no other pastor in Hong Kong was willing to pay the same price he paid and follow God with all his might.
Some people are easily attracted to money and become Balaam. Others are quickly attracted by personal glory and think they are apostles and prophets. But Dad never cared about any of these. In the process of serving God, even though Dad was desperately short of money, at times he could only share a bowl of beef brisket noodles with my mum. But he kept on giving, giving free sermon tapes, and blessing those around him.
No one wants to go down the same road as Dad. The cost is too great. They will leave their options open for the future. They are afraid of losing their earthly security, favourable conditions and personal achievement. But Dad was determined from Day 1 of his faith. He did not mind giving his life to God at all.
As long as our motive is to glorify God, even in the face of attacks and torment from others, we still stand firm. It is definitely worth it. At the end of the so-called broad road, only hell and judgment await. Life is only a tragedy. But on the narrow road of faith, it is evidently full of despair and pain, and takes much longer than others. Like the Church of Zion initially, the miracles, the system, everything were far better and beyond other churches in Hong Kong. But why was the church still growing so slowly? Why was the reputation of Zion getting worse and worse?
It turns out that everything is God’s arrangement. It is to test if we are willing to hold up the right motive to continue sharing God’s message and following Him. When we understand this, we will know that this path is worth pursuing. Because of this, Dad was happy to walk this hard and narrow road. He was willing to split with his greatest benefactor in his life for God. In the end, God was pleased to accept this heroic story as a model that all millennials must spend their lives emulating.
新歌 Incision 的靈感,源自於爸爸和故友 Gideon 之間的分裂。你也許感到奇怪,這事有甚麼值得記念呢?昔日,爸爸的父母把他送到加拿大就學,目的是切斷他與基督教之間任何聯繫。然而,當他到達異國他鄉,對當地情形、文化或居民一無所知時,時任喜信會的牧師 Gideon 卻張開雙臂接納了他。他為爸爸提供了學習基督教信仰的地方,甚至是住房和衣服,沒有半點遲疑。儘管今天他倆對基督教信仰持對立的觀點,Gideon 與爸爸的關係,卻比兄弟更親近。這一點,加深了分裂對雙方造成的痛苦和傷害。爸爸當時並不確定分裂是否正確的決定,直到多年之後才釋懷,因為神親自確認爸爸和他建立的教會(錫安)為基督新婦!
爸爸一直希望有朝一日,Gideon 會明白過來,看清屬靈真相。我也堅持著這天的來臨!
Some wounds just never heal, especially those from loved ones and friends. When we commit our lives, our every breath and fiber of our being to serving the Lord, something happens. God requires us to become living sacrifices OURSELVES, not just sacrificing things we own and thinking we’ve done our best. No.There is a reason the Outer Court of the temple includes a bronze altar. We aren’t called just to sacrifice animals to God in an old-testament ritualistic manner. We are called to be LIVING sacrifices, to devote our lives to serving and bringing others to Christ.How do we do this? Another piece of furniture in the Outer Court exemplifies this best, the bronze laver. We are to cleanse ourselves as the priests did before they entered into the presence of God. This symbolizes the need for us to be cleansed from our sins, from the impurity in our lives, before we can truly devote our lives to God, holy in His sight.
I wrote the lyrics to Incision based on the split between my father and his good old friend Gideon. Why is this an event worth remembering, you may ask? My Dad was sent to Canada by his parents to cut all ties between him and Christianity. Yet when he arrived in a strange new land, with no knowledge of the place, culture or people, Gideon, then Pastor of the church of Glad Tidings, took him in with open arms. He provided my father with a place to learn about the Christian faith, even housing and clothing him, no questions asked. To this day, despite their opposing viewpoints of the Christian faith, Gideon was closer than a brother to Dad. It only made the split all the more painful and devastating for both sides.
My father would not know whether his decision was correct until years later when God personally affirmed my Dad and the church he established (Zion) as the bride of Christ! He maintains hope that one day, Gideon will understand and see the spiritual truth for what it really is. I, too, am holding out for this day!當聽完這首歌後,就好像看完一齣英雄的電影般,讓我們一起效法Aidan的爸爸——日華牧師,即使人生面對任何的艱難和衝擊,只要我們憑著良心,按著真理而行,作出無悔的決定,專一始終的跟從神,我們也能成為電影中英雄的角色!
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Riverflowing2012:Back to The Music 英文詩歌推介【Incision】— 英雄莫望背後