Remote viewer 看見如 Kolbrin Bible 記載的 PlanetX 將會來臨

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.112 Ed Dames 和 Remote Viewing 介紹

  取自Ed Dames2011年推出有關Killshot的影片:
I began to push even forward in time over the horizon of future. Can remote viewing, how effective is it against future events?
I was looking ahead to see if we could put together an outline for our bosses of events over the horizon. We are particularly interested in military events, not necessarily social and economic events, particularly military.
Viewers began to pick up on a very large event that at first I thought was a nuclear war or something geophysically tragic that affected the globe.
It took a lot of work, a lot of analysis to collect information about what this huge event was that affects the entire planet. So we were getting closer to discerning what we were dealing with. We began, looking closer to this, we began to sketch a spherical object that was very big. I thought, oh, maybe this is a comet. Certainly, not a meteor because it's on fire. And it's the thing that’s going to affect this thing, this event that we’re picking up in the future. So we did some more work on it. It wasn’t a comet. It was big and on fire,
我們做了很多工作與分析,尌這全球事件蒐集資訊,我們也越來越能分辨出那是什麼,開始看得更 清楚,開始繪畫出一個巨大的球形 ,我想:噢,也許是一顆彗星,肯定不是流星,因為星體是燃燒著的,它就是事情的關鍵,是藉遙視看到的,所以我們花了更多工夫,不是彗星,是龐大並燃燒著的。

Kolbrin Bible所述的—毀滅者
2012榮耀盼望 Vol.122 Kolbrin Bible

2012榮耀盼望 Vol.122 Kolbrin Bible 與近年出現之災難

  3600年前經歷十災的埃及人寫成的《Kolbrin Bible》已經記載當時禍及全埃及,甚至全世界的十災,是由於一顆燃燒著的巨大星體,名為Destroyer的行星接近而導致。

Kolbrin Bible與Remote Viewing的吻合
  Ed Dames在2011年推出有關Killshot的影片節錄中:
我們做了很多工作與分析,對這全球性事件蒐集資訊,我們也越來越能分辨出那是什麼,開始看得更 清楚,開始繪畫出一個巨大的球形 ,我想:噢,也許是一顆彗星,肯定不是流星,因為星體是燃燒著的,它就是事情的關鍵,是藉遙視看到的,所以我們花了更多工夫,不是彗星,是龐大並燃燒著的。
同樣,Kolbrin Bible所記載名為Destroyer的行星是一顆燃燒著的巨大星體。

  Kolbrin Bible 曾經記載,過去的挪亞洪水和埃及的十災,都是由於Planet X 的接近所致,它亦都是引致近年種種大災難的主要原因。
  而PlanetX的接近會引致「全球性海岸線事件」。2011 年 2 月 12 日,約 20 位來自 The Farsight Institute,當今最頂尖的遙視者(Remote viewers)發佈了「全球性海岸線事件」。